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The Center for Vision Development Blog

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At What Age Should a Baby Have an Eye Exam?

Did you know that your baby’s eyes are fully developed by the time they’re born? It’s true! And their vision is pretty good, too. But just like adults, babies can have eye problems.

Developmental Vision Therapy

There are a lot of different vision problems that can affect a child’s educational experience and ability to develop naturally. Many of these problems are not about needing glasses for nearsightedness or farsightedness, but about the visual processing centers in the brain not working well together. 


Let’s face it: living with autism isn’t easy. It’s challenging and very different from living without autism. When you’re in an autistic child’s shoes, the world can be a confusing, scary place. 

Post-Concussion Syndrome

We all know that concussions are a serious medical condition, but did you know that they can also affect your vision? In fact, for some people, concussions can cause visual disturbances that last up to six months after the injury. Read on as an Annapolis, MD vision therapy optometrist discusses post-concussion syndrome and how vision therapy can help.

Does Vision Therapy Help With Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it difficult for people to read and interpret words. People with dyslexia have trouble identifying the parts of words and understanding how different letters and groups of letters work together to make sounds.

Brain Tap Therapy

Have you ever struggled with focus, concentration, and motivation? Then you know it can impact every area of your life. BrainTap™ is a technology that’s based on scientific research into how our brains learn. It uses rhythmic entrainment and a series of patterns to help your brain process information faster and more efficiently.

Adults and Vision Therapy

As helpful as vision therapy can be for children who struggle in the classroom, it can also benefit adults in similar ways. This includes adults who have 20/20 vision. 

ADD/ADHD and Vision Therapy

ADD, ADHD, or a vision problem? If your child has been diagnosed with one of these labels, you may be wondering if it’s a correct diagnosis. It’s a good thing to ask. 

Digital Eye Strain

Nowadays, digital eye strain has become as commonplace as the common cold, what with how digital devices have taken over our lives. Computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones all make our eyes work so much harder than the days of text on paper.

Crossed Eyes

Crossed eyes, also known as strabismus, is a misalignment of the eyes that causes them to point in different directions. On average, strabismus affects an estimated four percent of children under the age of six.