Vision Care for Adults

Computer Vision Syndrome

These days, staring at a computer, tablet or mobile phone has become a part of our daily lives. Unfortunately, as a result, a variety of eye problems are also on the rise. The doctors at The Center for Vision Development are experienced in addressing computer vision issues and alleviating many of the unpleasant symptoms they produce.

Even if you’ve never experienced eye problems in the past, you may notice some common signs of computer vision syndrome, particularly after two or more hours of screen time.

These signs may include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Eye strain and discomfort
  • Frequent headaches
  • Dry, scratchy eyes
  • Neck and/or shoulder pain

Even if your symptoms are mild and seem relatively manageable, over time they can worsen and ultimately lead to other, more serious vision problems if not properly addressed.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Computer Vision Syndrome

The severity of computer vision syndrome depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • Length of screen time
  • Posture
  • Lighting and glare
  • Angle of the monitor or device

Symptoms may also worsen depending on whether or not you suffer from other vision problems, such as astigmatism, farsightedness, presbyopia or diabetic eye problems.

Symptoms may also worsen depending on whether or not you suffer from other vision problems, such as astigmatism, farsightedness, presbyopia or diabetic eye problems.

Most regular eyeglasses and contact lenses are not designed to prevent the problems caused by computer screens. That’s why it’s important to consult an eye care professional who is familiar with treating and managing this increasingly common condition.

The doctor will evaluate your existing symptoms, take into account any pre-existing conditions and perform a series of specialized eye tests to measure things like visual acuity, refraction, focus and eye coordination. With the results of these tests in hand, we will then develop a customized treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms.

For individuals with otherwise healthy eyes and normal vision, a pair of specially designed glasses may recommended to be worn during screen time. For patients who already wear glasses or contact lenses, newer, more screen-friendly prescriptions may be available. In addition to these treatment options, we may suggest making some simple changes to your daily routine, such as adjusting the angle of your monitor or taking scheduled screen-time breaks.

With a combination of professional optometry services and good self-care, you can manage computer eye syndrome and other modern-day vision problems. Contact the team at The Center for Vision Development to schedule an appointment today.


Do you suffer from frequent headaches? It may be time to get your eyes checked!

While there are a number of things that can trigger a headache, one of the most common – and easily treatable – is an undiagnosed vision problem.

When a vision problem, such as astigmatism, nearsightedness or farsightedness continues to go undetected, it can force the small muscles of the eye to work harder than normal. This can result in eye strain, which can ultimately lead to chronic headaches.

Fortunately, most of these issues can easily be corrected through the use of prescription glasses or contact lenses. The best way to find out whether this is an option for you is to schedule a professional vision evaluation. Already wear glasses or contacts but notice an increase in headaches recently? You may be due for a change in your prescription. In either case, the solution can be found in a comprehensive eye exam.

​​​​​​​At The Center for Vision Development, we want to help you see and feel your very best. If you’ve been experiencing frequent, unexplained headaches lately, contact us to schedule an appointment. We’ll get to the bottom of the problem and help provide the much-needed relief you deserve.